Monday, May 6, 2013

Do YOUR best

"Do your best, forget the rest", it's a saying that I've heard for years, but more in school and work, though completely applicable to the weight loss world as well.  As I talked with my manager today, he was reminding me that despite my lack of zoom at Zumba (I was slightly speedier than the 50-60yr old woman), to keep with it as things would change.

His daughter began running track at the beginning of the school year, and where before she couldn't run that long, or that fast, she's improved vastly, as was seen when her softball coach had the team go do laps, and she outpaced them all.  Bonus, she did not have to run the slacker bonus round that everyone else got.  Before this school year she may have been in the 'group pack' that most of the people were in.  My boss told her, see, that's what happens when you do your best, it pays off, and by golly he's right.  It absolutely applies with weight loss both food and exercise, we're human, we're not perfect, but we can all strive for OUR best every day.
A lot of people compare themselves to other people.  Yes I participated in a faux Biggest Loser at a job, and felt very competitive against other people, why?  Sure, Bob may have lost 5pds last week, and you lost 0.5pds, is Bob giving you his weight to take off too?  I hope not, yikes!  Let it go. Good for you Bob, and you know what, I lost too, fantastic, you're both living this healthier life.  It's not a race, it's not a competition (unless you're on Biggest Loser), as long as you're doing your best, that's what counts.  Healthy living is for the long run, it's not a fad diet.

Just do YOUR best.

And where I did not do so well last week at the gym, this week I got through the whole workout with only minor pauses for water, and the occasional grumbling (me doth protest the wall squats with the exercise ball).  I did my best.

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