Sunday, May 12, 2013

I can't eat ! Guilt, Guilt, Guilt!

I've been on a few fitness websites, such as Fitocracy, PEERtrainer, and My Fitness Pal, and a few things you'll see from general users (I mean us everday folk that aren't food nutritionist, just trying to get by) is the same general issues people have with having foods that are on the Do Not Fly list, and that it is HORRIBLE that they ate one of them.  Not things that affect medicene's or don't agree with them, as for me it's soy, I mean the shameful, disgusting, horrible, unhealthy foods that sometimes pass our lips and may go to the hips!

Foods like baked goods, alcohol, ice cream, fried foods, etc.  are the most common 'forbidden foods', that people feel guilty over eating, or won't log even in their food diary for shame.  But why?  Why is there such shame in the occasional treat, or not so healthy meal?  These are people that I watch log their food daily, and they all eat fairly healthy most of the time, so why is there this perverse ideal that anything that isn't typically healthy is completely forbidden?

A blog that I read recently from Victorious Eating, Thinking & Weight Loss had a lot of good points in their decision to let go food obsession.  I'd have to say my favorite part was the Truth list -
You and I are not better people when we make healthy food decisions. 
You and I are not worse people when we make unhealthy food decisions. 
Food should NEVER cause you or I to feel guilty or ashamed unless we are letting it control us. 
There is SO much more to life than your next or last meal.

It's not uncommon for co-workers, family, and friends to try and shame us about our choices "Ohh you're eating white bread"  "Are you sure you should eat those chips?" but it's even worse when we internalize that shame and start making the same comments to ourselves.  Why should we be ashamed when we have something that isn't necessarily that good for us?  So you had 2 pieces of fried chicken with one meal, so you
had a soda once this week, so you had a cupcake, oh nooooo!  How can you ever face a vegetable again?  It's going to look at you with it's leafy splendor and refuse to grant you any of it's healthful benefits, right?  What a bunch of phooey!  You ate something delicious, good for you, let's move on.

Stress over a bad food choice is bad (it is stress, how can that help?), eat what you want to eat just make good choices overall.  You are eating healthy, the occasional cookie is not going to kill you or sabotage your healthy eating lifestyle.  Otherwise, one night you'll find yourself binging on the kitchen floor hugging a gallon of ice cream (Blue Bell Dutch Chocolate...maybe Lemon Bliss), rocking back and forth sobbing "Now I'll be fat forever".

It's food.  Eat it.  Enjoy it.  Make good healthy choices.  Don't obsess over it.
P.S. I had bananas with dark chocolate and bacon last night.  It was delicious.

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