Saturday, April 20, 2013

Here we are, on this road again.

How many times have I seen on weight loss support sites "I lost weight, now I gained it back", and while in 2009 I just patted them on the back and empathized, I never thought it would be me.  But alas, with less than 24hrs warning I was laid off from a job that I thought had promise for me to rise in.  At 29, I had found my grove in the workplace, it was the longest job I had ever held, and then... nothing.  It was crushing to my spirit, that a job I had worked so hard on, that I had invested my life into, just tossed myself, and my coworkers, to the curb.

I looked for employment, but my heart wasn't in it, and the job market was horrible.  I stopped eating well, because who knew when I would find work again, ramen is cheap!  I stopped exercising, as I didn't want to go outside if I didn't have to.  I was stuck in a 298sq ft studio (that's a picture from the door) that I hated, which added to my depression.  I gained back all the weight, and then some, just like those other horror stories that you hear.

Life, as it often does, began turning around.  I got another job (albeit across town, and sadly for less money than I was making before), and eventually moved baby steps up in that job until I was offered the chance to go to work for our client directly.  A thousand miles away.  In a town I knew no one.  In a town I'd only once driven through.  Starting as a temp.

So I did it.  Because normal has never been my way of life.  And an exciting drive later with a 10ft u-haul trailer on the back of my poor little Corolla, here I am in South Houston.  6 months later, at the prodding of some other coworkers who also wanted to start eating healthier, and exercising, I'm back at it again.  So here's to new starts.  I'm back on My Fitness Pal as of 3/30 to log food and have people keep me accountable, and I just finished Week 1 Mission 2 of Zombies 5K on 4/19.  Here we go to a healthier me, with some missteps here and there.  Life is, after all, a imperfect journey.

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